Local couple offers $2,000 reward for the return of dogs

A Worden couple offers a hefty reward for anyone that is able to return their dogs back to them after losing them Wednesday May 11 at the Yellowstone Wildlife area near Pompey’s Pillar National Monument.  The wildlife area is just North of the National Monument across the Yellowstone River at Bundy bridge.  The two dogs were lost while enjoying the afternoon away from home with their owners when they were following a trail and the owners were not able to locate them after a couple days of trying to locate them.


The dogs have chips and tags so they should be easy to identify.

Jaime and Kathy Adkins, dog owners, are reaching out to as many avenues to inform the masses of the reward for the safe return of their dogs.  The following is a flier and description of the dogs that was placed in the Yellowstone County News.



Lost Dog reward

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