Malachi Hosa Surgery & Fundraiser

Malachi Hosa -

Malachi Hosa –

surgeryHalf His Heart Makes Us Whole

Malachi James Hosa was born at Children’s Hospital at Denver, Colorado on February 27th, 2012 to Jeff and Sarah Hosa.  His grandparents are Roger and Robin Scheidler, known better by “Pappaw’s Pumpkins” people, Tim Hosa of Billings and Michelle Berry-Lockwood.

.  He was born with the right half of his heart missing and needing a series of three surgeries: the Norwood, the Glenn, and the Fontan Procedure.  His first surgery was at three days old and his second was at five months. We are preparing for his third surgery in March 2015 and have had a set back.  Jeff, Malachi’s Dad, has been laid off work for over a month and it is uncertain when he will be called back to work.  Because of the surgery and required recovery time,  they have asked us to prepare for up to three months in Denver.  Due to his surgery, healing process, and keeping him healthy, they have recommended we stay in a hotel. That has taken away the wonderful opportunity of the Ronald McDonald House.  We will have many expenses with travel, lodging, and uncovered medical costs.  As he is much older for this third surgery,Malachi will be more vocal about the pain and discomfort.  We are trusting God that the third surgery will go as well as his first two.   Any assistance and especially prayer are greatly appreciated! Join us January 31, 2015 3-6pm at the Knights of Columbus at 2216 Grand Avenue, Billings, MT for a Chili Dinner and Silent Auction to help support the Hosa family as they venture to Denver for Malachi’s 3rd Heart Surgery! There is a $7 Donation for the Chili Dinner.

Feel free to share the event and invite your friends and family.   If you have questions or would like more information on ways to help, please contact:

Laura Sciacca @ 406- 534-1609 Or

Sarah Hosa @ 406-679-3642


Here is a link to his Facebook page. 

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